Monday, July 12, 2010

This righteousness

So, I've been trying to wrap my mind around something...righteousness.

I'm sure you've heard it before. Righteousness. I've always known it as living right in the eyes of God. My whole thought on the subject changed when I started listening to a podcast series found on iTunes by Pastor Willie George called "Why Worry." It's a pretty lengthy series but it's so good. When I first started listening, I thought it would be about worrying and why you shouldn' know the normal stuff.

But the series is not the normal stuff, it's about why we worry. It's because we can't accept the righteousness God gave us. Which is problematic. The definition of righteousness says nothing about God giving it to us.


Righteousness according to my Bible's glossary:

The state of being in right relationship with God, particularly through faith in Jesus Christ and obedience to God's Word, a positive evaluation of character, actions and attitudes in relation to God's perfect standard with God's help, doing what is right according to his standard.

Righteousness according to

The quality or state of being righteous

Righteous conduct

The quality or state of being just or rightful.

Righteous is...

characterized by uprightness or morality

morally right or justifiable

acting in an upright, moral way

Is it possible that we define righteousness differently than what God has intended? I'm doing a bible study to figure out what righteousness is as it is displayed in the Bible.

I'll keep you updated.

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